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#1050 – Stripe Connect

Posted in ‘Assistance’
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Friday, 06 January 2017 03:06 UTC

I purchased the Stripe plugin and it refers to Stripe connect plugin, how do we obtain that?

Friday, 06 January 2017 08:00 UTC


the Stripe Connect plugin is a system plugin that complements the Stripe Payment plugin to add split payment and multiple recipients functionality.Normal Stripe Payments only require the Stripe Payment plugin and do not require the Stripe Connect plugin.

It was sold separately but we eventually pulled it from the market as it was causing too many headaches, mostly due to these limitations:

  1. it supports the Common Payment API, but requires an additional storage space to hold the multiple Stripe Accounts; this was only implemented for the product Quick2Cart, and TechJoomla implemented support for JGive;
  2. modifications required to the Common Payment API on TechJoomla's part were not included in the main distribution, and after a while applying hacks to the various versions out there we got tired of this;
  3. handling split payments is indeed a pain, and many customers would lay it upon us to explain how it works at the merchant - payment gateway level, which is beyond the scope of such plugin;
  4. it generated only a few sales on our part, which made maintenance costs skyrocket;
  5. several people purchased it without fully understanding what it was, and were expecting to have it work without any third-party products i.e. selling Joomla articles or the like.

The Stripe Connect plugin was priced at 300€+VAT; despite it being profitable compared to other products, we decided to pull it from the market. We do provide it for free with no support for the users of the Stripe Payment Plugin, if you are interested just let me know and I'll send it to you.

Kind regards,


Friday, 06 January 2017 23:20 UTC

Yes I would be interested and understand there is no support.

Friday, 27 January 2017 02:40 UTC
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