FasterTranslate - quick access to Falang translations

Falang is a powerful tool to translate your website. However it does take way too many clicks to access a translation. FasterTranslate adds a button in the toolbar to get direct access to the translations.
Simply install, then go to the module management and enable it. Then, in any list or edit window, click the flag to go to the corrensponding Falang translation.
Translation status
From within the content element, you will see the status of the translation:
I don't see the translation!
Faster Translate will allow you to create a translation even when Joomla is not yet configured for it. There are two requirements that usually prevent your translation from being published:
- Assign the content item to show on "All languages": this is mandatory, otherwise Joomla will only show it on the set language, regardless of the translations available.
- In case you have translated content using the default Joomla translation system, you might be using the wrong menu item
You may download Falang from Faboba website, they have both a free version (with credits shown) or several commercial options.