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#1077 – Stripe plugin

which product are you talking about? JGive? JTicketing?
in the meanwhile, I asked techjoomla to send me the updated packages.
It would really help to know which is the issue you are facing, so I can run a test; depending on the issue, the server logs, a full description and / or a url where I can see the issue.
Thank you,

Hi Michael,
the current version for download (stable) is 2.2.4, and is tested against Joomla 3.9.10 and JTicketing 2.2 if I remember correctly; I just asked techjoomla to provide it so I may update my test site and run the e2e tests, so I'll know if anything is broken.
An update is scheduled shortly (before the end of the month); some pre-release versions with the new heightened security are being tested now, I guess the next one or the following will be made public, we're nearly there.

after you login you should find "My downloads" at the top of the page with a quick link, else go to or browse the menu through downloads-stripe payment or click on "My" menu item and you'll get all the downloads at the top of the page.
Kind regards

You need to be logged in, but your subscription seems to be expired that may be the reason; usually techjoomla replies pretty quickly to my requests so if you just wait a few days I may be able to confirm; however, no other users mentioned the issue so most likely the new version works; I will test as soon as I receive the updates from techjoomla and let you know the outcome.

Yes, I'm testing it right now, hopefully it will be out in a couple of days

the version 3.0.4 is already out and working fine in several test environments and a few production. Full support for SCA!
kind regards,

this is going to be good for a couple of days, but if any issues arise there will quickly be a new version so you should always check the list after the login, which contains the latest versions and a link to download.